Thursday, 26 February 2015

WTF !?!
 · Comment ·  · 762940
The Hughes XV-9A experimental helicopter in test flight.
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 3628
Royal Air Farce Librarians
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment · 3985
Royal Air Farce shared a photo.
Andrew FrancisRoyal Air Farce
I say! Pull up! pull up Wingco!
 · Comment ·  · 99814
Scramble, Chaps! Me arch enemy's back!
Regards, JTW
 · Comment ·  · 101716
"So who is this Wing Co Dude, anyway?"
Regards, Felix "Candle" Leiter
Royal Air Farce CIA Secondment Officer
 · Comment ·  · 1211
Wishing you an extremely Happy Birthday, my dear Sir Johnny; ta awfully for keeping my United Kingdom safe all these years with your super Covert Royal Air Farce !
Always yours, lotsa love & kisses,
Liz xxx
 · Comment ·  · 549
My Very Personal Guard with the Royal Air Farce Diplomatic bag
Regards, JTW
 · Comment ·  · 6723
Now please listen up Chaps: Reposted the rather fetching Spitty pic 'cos that spiffingly likeable Old Duffer, Sir Tim Bateman, would just lurve to know how/where he may purchase/purloin a copy to put to canvas to cover an old KGB spy hole on his office wall...
So; anyone have more Intel on the pic or could help the splendid fellow out? Me lovely Miss Jacqui Brew, you're a knowledgeable Filly - could you post any more info?
Ta awfully, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 9321
Sir Clarence, the Royal Air Farce Regiment Top Secret Nuclear Base, Biggin Hill, perimeter Guard Lion.
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 60542
Feline the vibe: Ya should be dancin' yeah!
Regards, JTW
 · Comment ·  · 476
Drop in again soon!
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 37813
I say, Chaps; is this the Vorsprung durch Technik..?
Regards, JTW
 · Comment ·  · 59521
Described as a "camel amongst race-horses" - The Short SB.6 Seamew: a lightweight anti-submarine platform designed to replace the RN Fleet Air Arm Grumman Avenger AS 4. First flew on 23 August 1953, but, due to it's poor performance and swinging defence cuts, it never reached active service. Some 24 of the Ugly Buggers were built before the project was cancelled.
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment · 2945
Splendid! Now orf to Burma to dig up a coupla WW2 RAF crates this chap in a bar told me abaht...
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 69211
Secret Intel pic smuggled outa Area 51 (Honest Guvs; I swears it to be true...)
Regards, JTW
 · Comment ·  · 4512
Grumman F9F Panther & Nash Airflyte Statesman, Intel circa 1950
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 58517
Psst! I say Chaps; got 21 used Migs for sale. Cheap as chips. Good mechanic'll have back in the air in no time...
Regards, JTW
 · Comment ·  · 62123
"I swears it moved, Guv'nor so I brought me mate along to trap it."
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 311
Defender of the Faith
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 48531
No. When I said aim for that tree line...
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 77946
Forewarned is forearmed Chaps: Have a Happy New Year!
Regards, JTW
 · Comment ·  · 1012
This, Chaps, is the mammoth Boeing XB-15, a 1934 design study for a heavy bomber with a 5,000-mile range. When it first flew, it was the largest and heaviest plane ever built in the U.S. - indeed it was so large, there were crew passages in the wing to make minor repairs while the beast was flying! Only a prototype was built, which was converted into the XC-105 cargo carrier, nicknamed "Grandpappy" by its crew. It was scrapped in '45 @Albrook Field's Diablo dump in Panama, where the sad remains of it's massive airframe slowly sank into the swampy landfill SW of the runway...
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 2423
Short Sunderland thrilling the pre - 'elf & safety' aviation enthusiasts at Port Elizabeth, South Africa. May not be the lowest flyover you've ever seen chaps, but earns serious Royal Air Farce bonus points for having two props feathered.
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 71625
M'Lady and her Designer luggage...
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 361
After collating the Intel bravely supplied by Royal Air Farce agents worldwide, our rather clever Boffins have decided that the mystery aircraft is the French built Arsenal-Delanne 10-C2 long range two-seat fighter. Although too late to battle the Luftwaffe, the prototype AD 10 C2 was virtually complete when German forces occupied the factory in June 1940. The Germans allowed supervised work to continue, and its test flight was in October 1941. After it completed further initial tests, the aircraft was ferried to Germany for further trials, hence the German insignia in the previous photo.
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 3364
Del Boy moves into the arms trade hoping to make another fast buck...
Regards, JTW
 · Comment ·  · 37415
The Ultimate Bath!
All good, clean fun... and getting away with it all for Queen & Country too!
Regards JTW
 · Comment ·  · 2212
Carpe Diem, Chaps!
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 61332
"You lavish more attention on this stupid plane than you do me!"
- Sorry love whatcha say?
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 5955
Have to go, Chaps; me chopper's ready..
Regards, Wing Co
 · Comment ·  · 721316
"Higher, further, faster!" - Soviet propaganda poster from the late fifties.
Regards, JTW
 · Comment ·  · 191
She said she slept naked and promised to blow my mind...
Regards, JTW
 · Comment ·  · 295

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