Friday 28 August 2009

Behind the scenes: Bunker de-classified...

Tally Ho aeronauts!

What with all this freedom of information clap trap that's all the rage now, the sinister powers that be here at the M.O.D. Top Secret Bunker, Biggin Hill, A233 Kent, U.K.
(ahem!) sensed a p.r. opportunity.

Fortunately my very talented (so the Ladies say) cousin was available. He is a top photographer with a high security clearance, who also has some considerable knowledge of covert ops...

Anyway, the champagne flowed, the female staff swooned, and a great day was had by all (ooh behave...)

So here's all the official photos of our clandestine base that they would allow out into the WWW after checking the small print on the official secrets act...

My car

Lt Carruthers car

My transport plane

Lt Carruthers planes

The Staff Bar & Restaurant

Our Sports and Social Club

Our lovely receptionists at our custom GE747 cowling reception desks. Strange there was only this one photo, Austin was down there for some time...(ooh behave!)

Our Science Dept receptionist, and Q's right hand, Dr May Givehead (ooh will you behave!) at her custom DC9 desk

And Austin's pictured Dr May Givehead again, for some reason. She seems to have changed her clothes in this that a saucy nightie under her coat..?

Wait a tad, that's a man's coat she's wearing...
Oh, Austin I told you to behave!

My always stunning very personal secretary Lt Carruthers at her custom GE747 cowling desk

My office bar

My fish tank

My Chair

My custom B25 bomber desk

And of course, our custom mile high bed.

Ooh I really should behave.

I really should...

Coming Carruthers...

( with special thanks to the very talented chaps at for their custom furniture)


mech said...

Great collection of anything to do with aircraft parts.

Wing Co, ROYAL AIR FARCE said...

Ta awfully for checking in A.T. Glad you liked the secret bunker. You're welcome back any time.
Regards, Wing Co